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Fine management implementation plan of the enterprise

2014/6/14 10:24:59

Branch in order to further improve the management level, strengthen the management foundation, the long-term strategic measures to constantly improve the management level and core competitiveness of the company. Combining the reality of the company, formulates this scheme.

One, the guiding ideology and target

Guiding ideology, to "scientific development" as the instruction, to the company to create first-class enterprise as the goal, to improve implementation, improve the efficiency and benefit as a starting point, around the branch center work, using the appropriate management tools and methods of science, the "fine, fine, solid, yan" to management of each link, constantly improve the company's overall management level and core competitiveness, effectively promote the sustainable development of the branch.

Demanding goal: to "fine" as the goal, to "fine" as the means, in 1 to 2 years, the concept of refinement in the whole process of the operation management, with the intensification of planning, refinement of the analysis, intensification of control, the intensification of the operation, intensification of accounting ", realize enterprise management from opportunity to strategic, from experience to KeXueXing, from qualitative to quantitative, from static to dynamic, from extensive type to the connotation, from extensive to the refinement of transformation. Implement company development ideas clarity, scientific organization system, performance evaluation, comprehensive make employees execution and improve the quality of service.

Second, the active content

(a) fine management

Implementation of the fine management is the current management status of the company, to solve the problems existing in the operation and management, the important measures to improve the level of management. Focus on key link, focus on details, improve the overall management level.

1, the core concept of fine management, breakthrough and basic methods

The core concept of fine management: fine, accurate, and yan. Essence is doing fine, well done, keep improving; It must be accurate, on time, the information and decision-making accurate; Fine is refining operation, management refinement, attention to details; Yan is system of strict enforcement of standards and procedures, strict control of deviation.

The breach of the fine management: perfecting the system and standardize the process, improve the staff's execution, through elaborating management, make the job responsibilities, procedures, and system implementation in place.

Refinement, fine management of the basic methods: quantitative, evidence-based, streamline, standardization, co-ordinated.

2, the main content of the fine management

One is to develop and refine to carry out the development strategy and objectives, improve the company's development plan, to refine and implement the mission objectives.

Second is to improve the detailed rules and regulations, the current rules and regulations to conduct a comprehensive cleaning, revised, detailed rules and regulations the execution of the program.

Three is subdivided the business process, refined products and service standards. To comprehensive carding, refinement, reengineering business process, a clear hierarchy between, interface between before and after the procedure and authority, to deal with the interface between the business. Company standards set by the system according to the practical, will be implemented in the management and staff operation, ensure implementation in place.

Four is jitc gripper, fine management. According to their own actual, make great efforts to establish health and safety management system, ISO14000 environment management system and the system of social responsibility. At the scene of the production, office and other actively promote "6 s" management, process reengineering, visual management, fine management method. Through the standardization of the people, things of streamline, normalization, improve efficiency, ensure the quality, safety, make work environment clean and orderly, improve staff quality and corporate image.

Fifth, establish the concept of fine management, pays special attention to the service and the details in the process of production. Detail decides success or failure, detail reflects the management level. To the requirements of "five fine four" to production and management of each link, the active learning of advanced enterprise management essence, grasp the essence of management enterprise, makes the high-quality goods and brand, proficient in management methods, tools and channels, cooperation among business processes to achieve precision; To subdivide duty post, refined, mission objectives, system of refining process, cultivate the enterprise culture of the best. Combination of civilization to create work, establish "customer focus" the management idea, comprehensive elaboration the operation regulation of the business flow, improve the professional quality of employees, personnel improve the passenger satisfaction and market share targets. Article 1-2 of fine management idea.

Six is to strengthen the construction of informationization of business process and management link. To strengthen the office automation, human resource management, investment management, statistical analysis, financial management, equipment management, performance evaluation of informatization construction. At the same time, to strengthen the application of information technology in road operation management process, improve production efficiency and service ability.

(2) the innovation activities

Innovation on the basis of fine management, to idea innovation as the guide, to manage innovation as the focus, technology innovation as the means, establish innovative companies.

1, the concept of innovation. To strengthen the development idea, the management idea, management idea, service idea, innovation, strengthen the guidance and encouragement.

2, management innovation. Aimed at the important and difficult in management, from the management method, management means and management mode, strengthening the development strategy, three system reform, innovation in the field of management structure, performance appraisal, etc. At the same time, to strengthen the creative work in the specific production and business operation activities, the improvement of attention to detail, the innovation work penetrated into each link of management and production process.

3, science and technology innovation. In order to improve the management efficiency as the goal, in the innovation of the management means and management tools, promotion associated with the development of new technologies, new materials, new processes, new equipment.

Three, the implementation steps

1, to mobilize the deployment phase. Held a mobilization meeting, widely publicized, comprehensive deployment. Make full use of the site, internal information, a variety of forms such as publicity column, vigorously promote "fine management and innovation year" activities the important meaning, good experience, good typical, actively create a good atmosphere.

2, find problems and plan formulation stage. Be full to find the problems existing in the management, and form a self checking report; In view of the existing problems, and formulate the elaborating management scheme, the essential point of fine management, methods and steps, etc; To determine the direction of innovation subject, subject, content and time arrangement.

3, activity implementation stage. Overall work fine management and innovation, and through the activities in the daily management and operation. Top-down and bottom-up or combined with a variety of ways such as up and down. Scheduling communication meeting is held once every two months, analysis situation, exchange experience, improvements in a timely manner.

4, summarizes the evaluation phase. Activities of "fine management and innovation in" a comprehensive summary, to form the corresponding rules and regulations, standards, scientific research subject, innovation, information system and so on. Points department activities is appraised, and incorporated into the annual performance appraisal system.

5, consolidate the deepening stage. Should according to the requirements of excellence, continuous improvement, the activities of the rules and regulations, management system, information system, scientific research results such as strengthening and deepening, make normal activity, as a branch of the values, the refinement and innovation spirit to the category of enterprise culture.

Fourth, safeguard measures

1, strengthen organizational leadership. Company set up "the elaborating management and innovation in" activity leading group and office, responsible for the activities of the launch, organization, supervision, and examination, etc. Principal personally stresses, deploy capable force and define a functional departments, focus on activities.

2, strengthen learning training. To fine management and innovation as the key point, through the study of the external and internal training, a combination of strengthen the related knowledge and business skills training, and develop training examination standard, to strengthen the training effect; Actively organize employee to study the elaborating management knowledge, study contents, ways and means of innovation.

3, strengthen supervision and inspection, pragmatic effect. Making fine management and innovation activities in the inspection plan, and included in the annual performance appraisal, linked to department assessment results. Office will organize relevant personnel on a regular basis for supervision over and inspection activities to carry out the situation, and situation.

Jiangsu KaiFeng lighting electric company office

 March 2014