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Kfeng company customer complaint handling process

2020/4/27 15:39:36

Article 1 purpose

Make sure the customer satisfactory service quickly, handling of customer complaints to take proper measures, to maintain company reputation, and seek to improve.

Article 2 the scope of

Has completed the delivery procedure of the company's products, by the customer due to quality discrepancy or shall not apply to the complaints.

Article 3 the classification of customer complaints

(a) the appeal: the complaint is customer dissatisfaction, or ask for rework, change, or return, after processing does not need to give the customer compensation

(2) claim: customers in addition to the requirements of bad product processing, and request the company to compensate the loss according to the provisions of the contract, for this complaint should be carefully and quickly find out the reason.

(3) not complain of the market: quality customer deliberately looking for a variety of reasons, complained about the poor quality of the products, ask for compensation or price, this kind of complain that is not belong to our responsibility.

Article 4 the customer complaint handling process

Article 5 the implementation units

Quality department, sales department, production department, technology department

Article 6 the implementation key points

(a) customer complaints shall be accepted by the business department, to check whether there is the first order and shipment, will fill in details of the shipment information in the questionnaire, and field survey, jointly with relevant departments (required) to confirm the responsibility belongs to the company, which fill in single informing the investigation and analysis of the quality of customer complaints handling.

(2) the quality department to investigate finished goods inspection records and information about this batch, in conjunction with the sales department, technology department, production department, find out the real reason, and process the results.

(3) the customer need to return, please customer business requirements in the original packaging to return.

(4) after find out the reason, together with the relevant departments for the reason, puts forward improving measures, prevent to happen again.

(5) quality department, technology department, tracking to improve implementation, and verification measures are valid.

(6) technology to improve the conclusion summarized, and the relevant standards for correction, improve the process document.

(6) together with the relevant departments, propose handling customer complaints, after approved by the general manager, by the quality department reply to customer.

(7) the information feedback quality department on file, save the copy in the sales department