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Kfeng company business ethics

2020/4/27 15:48:13

Kfeng lighting company has been adhering to the harmony, good health, good faith for the development of ideas, for all the staff in the business to follow the business ethics standard. Company all business activities should strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, and for each employee, familiar with and abide by the company's code of conduct is critical, and to ensure that the company's business practices in accordance with the highest ethical standards.

1. Abide by the rules and regulations made by company in accordance with the law is the responsibility of each employee's, specification of business development is very important to the company. Violation of these rules will make employees, supervisors, senior management personnel or the company itself will bear the consequences.

2. Each member of a company must respect your colleagues, subordinates, the company's business partners and other third parties; Regardless of age, race, gender, sexual orientation, color, religion, religion, marriage, disability, etc., shall not have discrimination, insult, slander, etc.

3. Within the scope of the company's own influence, the company will support and respect the international protection of human rights, in particular, put an end to forced labor and child labor.

4. All employees, regardless of rank or status, avoid personal conflict interests and corporate interests directly or indirectly. With the company's customers, suppliers, the normal social life, not in violation of laws, regulations, and does not damage to any third party rights and interests as the prerequisite.

5. In compliance with all applicable laws and company policy under the premise of employees needed for daily business, to have business relations with related parties to provide suitable host, all such spending must be approved in accordance with the applicable company policy and is recorded on the company's account books; Not in violation of any applicable law, does not affect their decision under the premise of the staff can accept daily right to entertain. Company staff in business activities, are not allowed to directly or by way of hints to any customers, suppliers and business associations units for gifts, not allowed to accept any cash, jewelry, or other valuable things

If in special circumstances can't refuse or return when received should be handed in to the company, and tabulation. Strictly forbidden to lean on or its influence from customers, suppliers, bribery, kickbacks and other collusion, obtain unjust enrichment.

6. The company's funds and assets can only be used for legal and legitimate business. The transfer of funds, assets or spending purposes should indeed is the same as the actual use, its transfer and spending must comply with the company's financial system, the relevant provisions of the program must be authorized in writing. No matter any reason, the company does not allow input errors, or false on books and records the data and records.

7. Every employee should protect company's property, prevent loss or theft, the company's assets may not be used for personal use. Company property including production equipment, office equipment, products, raw materials, files, confidential information, software, and other infrastructure, etc. In my ability range, every employee have an obligation to protect the safety of company property in good condition.

8. The company is committed to the protection of intellectual property rights, do not use or misappropriation without authorized by a third party (the obligee) software and other patented technology used for company business. Company the exclusive rights of a certain period of time and by a third party software licenses or proprietary technology, only authorized company specific personnel to use, and will only be used to complete the specified tasks, without the third party authorization may not be copied or transmitted.

9. The company deal with corresponding business in business activities or other activities may be involved in personal or third party data, the company will respect their privacy. Company employees to disclose to the other company and confidentiality of the confidential information of the clients.

Company promote fair competition, integrity management, and follow the applicable in the competition competition law, to ensure that the company provides products and services, relying on the strength is prohibited between big business, business, and all the collusion between the personnel.

11. Our company support preventive plan to cope with environmental problems, within the scope of the company's own influence and ability, positive environmental protection responsibility, advocate the development and use of environmentally friendly technologies and products, and is committed to the company in the actual business activities in the protection to the health of employees.

11. Hosted by management representative, administration department, finance department, office, audit team and related management personnel every quarter to this specification and other regulations and rules for implementation of the supervision and inspection. Found that do not conform to the item, urge the relevant departments or personnel in time period rectification, and the correction results shall be published.

12. Company employees and customers or partners if you find any personnel in violation of the standards of business ethics, the company can through the formal channels and forms to submit report about the violation of this policy, company management will be seriously, secret investigation to verify. Person if still concerned, also can anonymously to report content through the suggestion box, telephone, fax or email. Company's appeal and call: 0527-85377663, fax: 0527-85377516, Company to ensure that the person take no retaliation.

Jiangsu KaiFeng lighting electric appliance co., LTD