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Company information disclosure control program

2020/4/27 15:41:45

Purpose 1.

To strengthen information management, quicken the steps of company informatization construction, improve information disclosure transparency, combined with the specific situation of the company, to develop the program.

Scope of 2.

This procedure is applicable to relevant information disclosure management with the company.

3. The relevant documents

EICC standards

"Social responsibility and conduct management handbook"

4. Responsibility

4.1 office responsible for combing active information disclosure should be, and determined the undertaking department.

4.2 administration &coach &harmonize program and work process concerning public affairs were determined.

1.2.3 department is responsible for the determination of coordination for information disclosure.

5. The content of information disclosure

5.1 making major decisions, including the enterprise development strategy and annual plan, industry development plan, annual work thinking and summary, etc.

5.2 complete and commitment to the society of the situation.

5.3 about the third party assessment, data released by the certification body, information.

5.4 companies advertising published information.

5.5 scope of duties, functions and departments, working procedures and requirements, etc.

5.7 staff assessment, appointment, rewards and punishments, and attendance, and so on and so forth.

5.8 complaints illegal way and the method of processing, etc.

5.9 other important matters shall be open.

6. The form of information disclosure

6.1 set up information publicity column, published periodically by the public.

6.2 the printing information publicly available information.

6.3 the company website content should be actively open items, updated on a regular basis.

Purpose 1.

To strengthen information management, quicken the steps of company informatization construction, improve information disclosure transparency, combined with the specific situation of the company, to develop the program.

Scope of 2.

This procedure is applicable to relevant information disclosure management with the company.

3. The relevant documents

EICC standards

"Social responsibility and conduct management handbook"

4. Responsibility

4.1 office responsible for combing active information disclosure should be, and determined the undertaking department.

4.2 administration &coach &harmonize program and work process concerning public affairs were determined.

1.2.3 department is responsible for the determination of coordination for information disclosure.

5. The content of information disclosure

5.1 making major decisions, including the enterprise development strategy and annual plan, industry development plan, annual work thinking and summary, etc.

5.2 complete and commitment to the society of the situation.

5.3 about the third party assessment, data released by the certification body, information.

5.4 companies advertising published information.

5.5 scope of duties, functions and departments, working procedures and requirements, etc.

5.7 staff assessment, appointment, rewards and punishments, and attendance, and so on and so forth.

5.8 complaints illegal way and the method of processing, etc.

5.9 other important matters shall be open.

6. The form of information disclosure

6.1 set up information publicity column, published periodically by the public.

6.2 the printing information publicly available information.

6.3 the company website content should be actively open items, updated on a regular basis.

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