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6 s management system

2014/6/14 8:30:29

The first section, 6 s management system

6 s management is a modern factory effective field management ideas and methods, its role is: through standardized management, make the working environment clean and orderly, continuously improve people's quality, improve and enhance corporate image, to improve efficiency, reduce waste, ensure the quality and security purposes.

A, sort (SEIRI) - will any items in the workplace is divided into necessary and unnecessary, in addition to the necessary to stay, eliminate the rest.

Objective: to make space, the space use, to prevent misuse, shape clean workplace.

Second, the consolidation (SEITON) -- to stay necessary items in accordance with the provisions of positions for the use of, and in order to sign.

Purpose: to be clear at a glance, workplace elimination time looking for items, neat and working environment, eliminate too much backlog items.

Three, cleaning (SEISO) - will be visible and invisible parts inside the workplace clean, keep the workplace clean and beautiful environment.

Objective: stable quality, reduce industrial injury.

Four, clean (SEIKETSU) - to maintain the above 3 s results.

Five, the literacy (SHITSUKE) - each member form a good habit, and abide by the rules, cultivate the spirit of the initiative (also known as habitual).

Aim: to develop a good habit, abide by the rules of the staff, build spirit of team members.

Six, safety (SECURITY), attach importance to the safety education, every moment has the concept of safety first, prevention.

Objective: to establish the safety in production environment, all the work should be under the premise of safety.

In the second quarter, 6 s management system

A, sorting: work site clean, health and orderly, and will be sorting the items.

1, the don't have to clean up, improve and increase the operation area, improve work efficiency;

1) put occasionally use the thing to the specified location;

2) reduce the chance to knock against, to ensure the safety of production, improve the quality of work;

3) where it is accessible to your frequently used in the;

4) the aisle is absolutely not allowed to pile up anything;

5) the site clean, without sundry,

6) will work, office supplies, neat; Change the style of work, improve the work;

7) eliminate mixed with management, such as mixing error accident.

Consolidation: people, things, things to be quantitative and orientation, area tidy, items are put to scientific and reasonable, good job.

1, the workspace, items placed area, channel set also clear identification;

1) all items according to plan reasonable place,

2) channels unblocked, cannot place any items;

3) equipment, mould, jig and workbench to be neat, in accordance with the provisions, and a good number corresponding place;

4) items to put in the specified location and area, easy to find and eliminate the error caused by readjusting;

5) items put visual change, make quantitative loading on the number of items do you, know, display different goods area with different colors and distinct tags;

6) production field placement is conducive to improve the work efficiency and product quality, to ensure the safety of production.

Three, cleaning: items for their own use, such as equipment, tools, cleaning to yourself and don't rely on others. Equipment cleaning, should focus on the equipment maintenance and repair of damaged goods, and keep the workshop clean and tidy.

1) on the ground, wall to clean at any time, without dust and disorderly sundry; The workbench to clean, no dust; Instruments and equipment, mold should be clean;

2) each department or individual work area before work must be clean, keep the factory clean and tidy;

3) each employee to do the work diligent cleaning, small before work, week end cleanup ", remove the dirt in the workplace;

4) equipment cleaning must be combined with dimension inspection equipment, cleaning equipment to do the lubrication of work;

5) cleaning is also in order to improve. When cleaning the ground when found that flying dust and oil and water leakage, to find out the reason, and measures to improve it.

6) requirements keep workshop clean and tidy at any time, before you leave to make all the aftermath in accordance with the requirements;

7) in order to work normally and efficient, reduce the fault happens, the guarantee or improve the quality of products, while working in a buoyant mood;

8) must clean, remove the dirt, to create a lively, relaxed working environment.

Four, clean: sorting, reorganization, cleaning after careful maintenance, goods not only to clean, and workers themselves to do clean.

1) spend 10 minutes to and from work every day to do a good job of 6 s, each team members to do at any time remove the dirt in the workplace;

2) the job site to timely cleaning, keep clean and orderly; Does not meet the requirements of field or operation situation should be handled timely, correct;

3) always be self and mutual inspection, regular and irregular inspection;

4) to make the environment from pollution, eliminate turbid air, dust, noise and pollution, eliminate occupational disease.

5) workshop environment neat and clean at the same time, the workers themselves to do cleaning: such as work clothes to clean, instrument to clean, timely hair, shaving, manicure, bathing, etc.;

6) on the workers to do the form not only clean, but also to do "clean" in spirit, treats people polite, to respect others.

Five, the literacy: strictly abide by the rules and regulations of the company to improve their ideological and moral qualities.

1) employees wear overalls and neat and decent, neat appearance and generous;

2) caution when employees transport goods, in order to prevent the collision;

3) the employee's concept of time is strong, not late arrival.

4) it is forbidden to troubles, unreasonable, booing, spreading rumors, slacking, disrupt the normal production and work order, gambling, fighting, it is strictly prohibited in the factory and other violations of behavior;

5) clear own work standard, quantity and finish their work on time;

6) employees manners civilization, the people warm and generous;

7) employees work in high spirit, take good care of public property company;

8) employees must have the team spirit, help each other, take an active part in 6 s activity;

9) maintain the company's overall image and the prestige, to work and the work time, not to wear slippers, barefoot, or in bad behavior, such as irregular stripped to the waist;

10) develop good accomplishment, build team strength, pay attention to team work;

11) to actively participate in activities in the company, try to put forward constructive Suggestions and opinions;

12) to actively participate in the company daily management, at any time to provide the company with management and technology, the production operation and so on various aspects of opinions and Suggestions.

Six, safety: strictly abide by the safety rules, it is forbidden to command and illegal operations, to safety first, prevention first.

1, who is in charge of who is responsible for, strictly abide by rules of safe operation, it is forbidden to command and illegal operations

1) the operating personnel to leave to stop, do not empty machine operation;

2) observe Labour discipline and process discipline, orderly production, excellent environment clean, equipment maintenance, site, workshop equipment layout and tidy, reasonable, building good ventilation and lighting. Safety production guarantee system to make clear a regulation to each production workshop or section process task responsibilities permissions and working standard;

3) enforce fire management rules and shall not use all kinds of fire control facilities and devices, appliances, non-smoking section within it is strictly prohibited to carry kindling into;

4) safe, non electrician personnel are not allowed to randomly meets, disassembling electronics;

5) security personnel shall have the right within the scope of inspection in the factory, in public security cases, timely report and investigate and unearth, relevant personnel shall actively assist;

6) in production, work, must ensure the safety of person, equipment, facilities, strictly abide by national and company secrets;

7) director at all levels must carry out security checks, found the potential safety problems must be corrected in a timely manner.

Jiangsu  Kfeng lighting electric appliance co., LTD

March 2013