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Exchange of experience, the improvement of the jiangsu Kfeng process control plan

2020/4/27 15:43:56

In order to strengthen the company's production process control, production of quality products to meet customer demand, we made improvement on the original production process control plan and improvement of work.

A quality control, raw material and mixture of improvement

To establish and perfect the system of glass materials and mixture detection assay

A glass raw materials: each batch of detection test

Raw water: once per shift detection test

Preparation of mixture uniformity: a daily inspection test

Second, the physical and chemical performance control of glass

To establish and perfect the system of physical and chemical performance testing laboratory glass

Stress: glass annealing tests every hour/production machines

Glass density: the daily test again

Glass: expansion coefficient detection tests twice a week

Glass full analysis: the detection test once a month

RoSH detection: once every quarter detection assay

Three, the improvement of product quality inspection control program

1. The online inspection

Requirements: according to the location number 12 selectiving examination/per hour the machine

Test content:

1), the sealing line of arbitrary thickness. Sealing line thickness and sealing line, sealing wire diameter, minimum thickness ball diameter, thickness, above testing request record;

2), the appearance quality of the product, found the problem prompted operators and quality inspection and testing number not to record at all.

Control point:

1) contrast product process card for testing;

2) the inspection found that the problem timely feedback operator on duty and duty. When with the serious problem of checking on negotiation.

2. The quality inspection

Requirements: 1 / the machine per hour

Test content:

1), 80 only appearance inspection, 20 size, according to AQL sampling plan standard, determine the qualified may be put in storage only, not qualified to be processed. (each inspector to check the on duty)

2), testing the glass shell stress 6 / hour, record the annealing furnace temperature and motion parameters.

Key points:

1), control product process card for testing;

2) batch product quality problems, or equipment downtime after start production stage of the decision;

3), guide the inspector on duty assignments.

3. Outbound inspection

Requirements: each class random 10 carton, take five.

Test content:

1), the sealing line arbitrary thickness, the sealing line maximum thickness and sealing line minimum thickness, and fill in the record;

2), the size of the important customer all inspection;

3), will spot check the sealing line thickness data for statistical analysis, calculation of every class operator CPK value product quality and published.

Key points:

, found that the problem put forward disposal opinions (return inspection, scrap);

And return after checking products must be re-examined.

Jiangsu KaiFeng lighting electric company quality inspection department